For a certain examination, a score of 58 was 2 standard deviations below the mean, and a score of 98 was 3 [...] - Uniperfect CALL ME BACK

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    For a certain examination, a score of 58 was 2 standard deviations below the mean, and a score of 98 was 3 […]

    For a certain examination, a score of 58 was 2 standard deviations below the mean, and a score of 98 was 3 standard deviations above the mean. What was the mean score for the examination?

    A. 74
    B. 76
    C. 78
    D. 80
    E. 82

    Λύση (B):

    Έστω m=mean (αριθμητικός μέσος) και d= standard deviation (τυπική απόκλιση)

    m– 2d = 58

    m+ 3d= 98

    Αφαιρώντας τις 2 εξισώσεις μεταξύ τους βγάζουμε d= 8 .

    Επομένως χρησιμοποιώντας ξανά τη πρώτη εξίσωση (είτε τη δεύτερη) m – 2*8 = 58  [katex]\Rightarrow[/katex] m= 76

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