x is the sum of the first 25 positive even integers. y is the sum of the first 25 positive odd integers. - Uniperfect CALL ME BACK

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    x is the sum of the first 25 positive even integers. y is the sum of the first 25 positive odd integers.

    x is the sum of the first 25 positive even integers. y is the sum of the first 25 positive odd integers.
    x is the sum of the first 25 positive even integers.
    y is the sum of the first 25 positive odd integers.

    Quantity A


    Quantity B

    y + 25

    Solution (C):

    x = 2 + 4 + 6 + …. + 50 = (1 +1) + (3 + 1) + (5 + 1) + ….(49 + 1) = (1 + 3 + 5 +… 49) + 25*1 = y + 25

    Άρα η απάντηση είναι C (ίσες σαν ποσότητες).

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